Professional Dental Cleaning

Professional dental cleaning – prevention of cavities and periodontitis

Professional dental cleaning is an important part of keeping your own teeth to a ripe old age. When regularly carried out in combination with basic dental care at home, dental cleaning helps spare you possible pain, tooth loss, and tooth replacement.

Foresight and preventative measures are the best way to avoid long-lasting damage to your teeth and to lower the risk of cavities, periodontitis, and gingivitis. Regular co-operation between the patient, our dentist, and the prophylaxis team is important to prevent things from getting so far. As Johannes Peter Eckermann said, "Everything we do has a consequence, even the things we do not do."

What can we do for you?

During a profession dental cleaning the teeth and mouth are thoroughly examined. This way potential diseases of the teeth or gums can be diagnosed early and treated before damage can spread. During the second step all soft and hard build-up (plaque and tartar) on and between the teeth is removed with an ultrasonic tool and special instruments. The build-up in the gingival pockets is removed as well, especially from those places that cannot be reached with a toothbrush.

Unsightly tooth discolouration from coffee, tea, nicotine, or red wine can be removed with the help of our Air-N-Go, an abrasive powder jet. Finally, the patient's teeth are polished smooth and treated with fluoride in order to protect them from bacterial acids. The polishing also increases the longevity of fillings and crowns. A personal consultation at the end gives the patient recommendations and tips for optimal daily dental and oral care and brushing technique.

Afterwards your teeth are not only completely clean – they also feel cleaner. In addition to the visual improvement, professional dental cleaning also effectively combats halitosis and gum bleeding while preventing periodontitis. The cleaning is also proven to reduce cavities by 80-90%. The reduction of the amount of bacteria in gingival pockets also generally reduces the risk of heart attack, cerebral infarction, rheumatism, arthritis, and diabetes due to the mutual relationship between the teeth, oral hygiene, and the organs.
We recommend professional dental cleanings be done 1-2 times a year in a fixed cycle. We share with you the common goal of preserving your teeth for a lifetime.


Family Dental Practice
Dr. Lea Recoder

Zahnärztin SSO

Inwilerstrasse 3
6340 Baar ZG
T +41 41 761 27 41

For the secure transmission of patient data:


SSO Zug Emergency-No.
T +41 844 22 40 44

  • In our practice we speak:
  • German
  • English
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Croatian
  • Albanian
  • Danish

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