Root Tip Resection

Root tip resection – tooth retention despite inflammation of the root tip

If inflammation does not heal despite a root canal treatment and spreads to the root tip, it can spread to the jawbone or lead to serious abscesses. This is often because bacteria can be present on the precision instruments involved during a root canal treatment in spite of the efforts and care taken to sanitise them.

A root tip resection (apicoectomy) removes the infected root tip and the surrounding inflamed tissue in the form of a microsurgical procedure in order to prevent further complications. This procedure is essentially the last attempt to preserve a severely damaged tooth and to overcome the focus of inflammation without having to completely remove the tooth.

Preparation and filling of the root cavity

A conventional root canal treatment accesses the branching root canal system through the prepared crown of the tooth. A root tip resection accesses the root of the tooth from the outside through the jawbone. After that part of the tooth attacked by inflammatory processes is separated and removed, the root canal can be prepared and filled. Then the tooth is sealed again to exclude further inflammation. Normally pain around the root of the tooth disappears a few days after the operation.

The long-term success of a root tip resection hangs on how thoroughly it is performed as well as keeping both the tooth and the dental instruments used sterile. We, therefore take great care in our practice to keep everything as sterile as possible.


Family Dental Practice
Dr. Lea Recoder

Zahnärztin SSO

Inwilerstrasse 3
6340 Baar ZG
T +41 41 761 27 41

For the secure transmission of patient data:


SSO Zug Emergency-No.
T +41 844 22 40 44

  • In our practice we speak:
  • German
  • English
  • Slovak
  • Spanish
  • Croatian
  • Albanian
  • Danish

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