
Sparkling White Teeth: Bleaching at Our Practice or at Home

There's no second chance at a first impression; our physical appearance is often our visiting card. After our eyes, white teeth are the most attractive feature in evaluating another's friendliness. A friendly, fresh face is attractive, and feeling attractive increases confidence. Luckily there are many methods today for lightening teeth and restoring that sparkling smile. The right procedure will depend on the cause of the tooth discolouration – age, consumption habits, pigmenting, dead dental pulp, or damage from melting. Our practice offers diagnostics, aesthetic treatments and a variety of bleaching methods to restore teeth:

In-office Bleaching, Home-Bleaching and Internal Bleaching

In-office Bleaching: Teeth Whitening at Our Practice
With In-Office Bleaching, you can achieve a bright and healthy smile with just one 60-minute teeth whitening treatment in our dental practice.

This method utilizes a gel that is applied to the teeth multiple times and activated using a UV lamp. Between applications you may evaluate the result and decide whether you are satisfied or wish to have another application.

Within 60 minutes you will have a brighter, healthier smile that you will want to show off. In our practice we offer you the latest technology available, PHILIPS ZOOM! WhiteSpeed which uses a proprietary LED light to accelerate whitening for maximum results in minimal time. This method delivers bright smiles with several advantages, including lower doses of hydrogen peroxide. Results can be immediate (up to 8 shades whiter in 45 minutes) and long lasting, and because a dental professional is involved, the process is safe, reliable and hassle free.

Professional whitening with Philips Zoom is a fast, effective and safe way to whiten your teeth. Watch the following video about teeth whitening with Philips Zoom to get a better idea of how it works.

Home Bleaching: A Comfortable Way To Whiter Teeth
With PHILIPS ZOOM! DayWhite ACP and PHILIPS ZOOM NiteWhite ACP, we offer you an advanced and convenient teeth whitening solution adapted to your schedule that can be used anywhere you are. Your smile can be noticeably whiter fast, with maximum results in just seven to 14 days

For this teeth whitening method, your dental professional makes a custom whitening tray to perfectly fit the contours of your teeth. That means you get the same bright results across your entire smile. After complete instruction from our staff, patients return home with their tray and a highly specialized gel. Depending on the formula you choose, you can wear your trays for short times during the day or if you prefer, at night while you sleep. Philips Zoom lets you whiten your teeth when it's most convenient for you.

Philips Zoom is backed by studies that have shown it is safe and effective for your teeth and gums. And because your dental professional oversees the process, you can be sure that your results will be consistent and safe on any fillings or restorations you might have.

Whether in-office or in-home, external bleaching will not improve discolourations that are internal to the tooth. In order to address internal discolourations, patients are advised to use a method called internal bleaching.

Internal Bleaching: Beauty Comes From Within
Root-treated teeth often turn greyish in hue because their vitality has been lost. Internal bleaching gives these teeth to a new luster within a matter of days. The bleaching substance is injected into the tooth and the tooth then whitens from the inside.

Before any bleaching is performed we recommend a professional dental cleaning to remove any discolourations, scale, and tartar and provide the best basis for bleaching. To learn more, give us a call and schedule a non-binding consultation.

Professional Teeth whitening with PHILIPS ZOOM! safely performed in our dental practice


Family Dental Practice
Dr. Lea Recoder

Zahnärztin SSO

Inwilerstrasse 3
6340 Baar ZG
T +41 41 761 27 41

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SSO Zug Emergency-No.
T +41 844 22 40 44

  • In our practice we speak:
  • German
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  • Danish

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